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Quiring update

Women In Construction - Mayra Melgoza

March 10, 2022
Mayra graduated from Chico State and started off here at Quiring in our estimation department. With her 5 years of construction experience she is now our Project Engineer at our project for The Well Community Church. In her spare time, she loves reading and hiking, huge perk to have Yosemite in our backyard and make a quick nature escape. Below are her thoughts on women in construction and how technology is changing the industry.

The number of women in construction has been on the rise. What do you think are some advantages of being a woman in the construction industry?

  • We give a different perspective to problems and tend to be less threatening to the male ego.

What advice would you give to a young woman entering the industry?

  • Stay open minded and learn from all types of people in the industry, the more flexible you are with your mind starting off the greater knowledge you will gain.

What makes you proud of working in the construction industry?

  • Solving the problems and completing a project.

What do you think is the most important change happening in the construction industry?

  • Technology, it will bring various opportunities for new careers and new talent

Why did you choose construction? What led you to construction?

  • My curiosity, I tend to get bored easily and construction is the one industry that is constantly changing and there’s always some obstacles or problem to solve to successfully complete the job.

What has been the biggest challenge of being a woman working in construction?

  • Personally, none in particular, I believe that regardless of being a women a challenge is only as big as you allow it to be, your curiosity to overcome the challenge needs to be greater than challenge itself.

What is your most memorable moment working in construction?

  • Working on a shutdown operation for a wastewater treatment plant and ensuring the operations went smoothly within the limited timeframe. (32 hours)

What is your favorite part of your career in construction?

  • The People, the different generations, and personalities you encounter and get to learn from, it keeps the mind flexible and always looking at other perspectives.

How do you think the construction industry can attract more female candidates?

  • The industry has to reach young females at an early age, high school is too late to get females engaged in the STEM industry.

How do you evaluate success on a construction site?

  • How quickly and smoothly things get resolved for the final product.

What types of construction projects Inspire you?

  • All of them, I don’t think any project is too little to find inspiration.

Why did you decide to join the Quiring Team?

  • While looking for companies in the Central Valley I did extensive research on the type of work they do and the department that stood out to me the most was Pre-Construction, its rather new and not many companies do it to the extent that Quiring had.